
21 Day Challenge


  Hope everyone is feeling good so far and enjoying the healthy eating plan. You should start to feel less bloated and have more energy. Some people also notice greater thought clarity which has been linked to gluten intolerance. But today we’re going to tackle

21 Day Challenge

prizes and special offers

Prizes and Measurements Thanks to our friends at Tru Local we have a $150 Prize of free Tru Local Meat. Thanks to Body Energy Club we have 2 x $100 credits and 4 x $50 credits to our call centre to give away. Everyone who

21 Day Challenge - At Home - Water

21 Day Challenge – At Home Tip #4

21-Day Challenge Tip #4: Water   Why Drink Water? Proper hydration is vital for overall health. Without sufficient water intake, the body will become dehydrated-meaning your body doesn’t have enough water to function normally. You lose water every day when you breathe, sweat and go


21 Day Challenge At Home: Tip #3

Tip #3: Fat What’s the Skinny on Fat? Fats provide your body with energy and provide storage spots for energy in the body. Fat helps move the vitamins A, D, E and K through your bloodstream and absorb them into your body. Fat also provides

21 Day Challenge - At Home

21 Day Challenge – Main Page

Welcome to the 21 Day Healthy Lifestyle Challenge! We have the dates listed as May 4-25 but feel free to start anytime in May. We have broken the parts of a healthy lifestyle into different sections. Please read each section completely and watch all related

21 Day Challenge - At Home - Insulin Resistance

21 Day Challenge At Home: Tip #2

Tip #2: Insulin Resistance and Fat Loss One of insulin’s main jobs is to get certain body cells to ‘open up’ to take in glucose—or, more accurately, to store the glucose as fat. Insulin resistance happens when the cells essentially don’t open the door when

fitness and nutrition tip

21-Day Challenge At Home: Tip #1

Tip #1: Caffeine What’s the Deal with Caffeine? Caffeine is found in soft drinks, energy drinks, black tea, green tea and coffee. It’s also added to some prescription and over-the-counter medications. As you’ve probably heard, caffeine is a nervous system stimulant. Caffeine is toxin that


21 Day Challenge Recipes – Lunch

Chicken Kabobs This recipe yields 2 skewers. This is one of those recipes that can be done almost exactly as it was intended to be done with no real substitutions aside from the starch heavy sides. Traditionally the kabob would be served with rice, roasted


21 Day Challenge Recipes – Dinner

Chorizo Spiced Stuffed Pepper This recipe is a great way to use an inexpensive ground meat to make a delicious nicely presented meal. Again with this recipe there are so many variations, and you can change a few of the ingredients to make an entirely


21 Day Challenge Recipes – Breakfast

Breakfast Recipes:   Omelette Muffins – recipe yields 6-8 muffins This is a super easy recipe with the majority of the work being in your preparation. I chose bacon, spinach and red peppers for the filling in this recipe, but you can substitute almost any

fitness challenge at home vancouver

Join us! FREE 21-Day Fitness Challenge at Home

Hello everyone, So far, this year has been an unprecedented and challenging one for all of us. The COVID-19 crisis has changed our lives drastically, while throwing our routines for a loop.   Recognizing the Challenges Life during the pandemic is a tough adjustment if

Keto dessert-cheesecake

Keto Diet Dessert Recipes: Get Ready to Indulge

What are the best keto desserts to indulge in? Are keto desserts healthy? (Short answer: it depends on how you define “healthy.” Long answer: They’re healthier to eat than regular desserts, especially if ingredients include whole foods like nuts, coconut, fruit and have no refined