Can you spell exhausted? I had to use the spell check, haha. Seriously now. That was a hard workout! Never mind the fact that I had to do pull-ups (0ver 60 of them altogether) but overall a complete killer or a workout. The truth is though, I loved every bit of it. And the reason is simple: I am pushing myself! Results don’t come easy! This gut is not going to magically disappear (no matter what the new gadget commercial says on TV). There is one universal formula for getting in shape and its called sweating it out. Today’s class was lead by Julie (AKA the Gut Killer). While I still feel I am probably in the worst shape out of anyone in class I can already see some improvement from the previous weeks. To my amazement, I was able to push all 200 lbs of me through 21 consecutive push-ups. “Big deal” some of you might say, but that’s the fun about it. Like I said before, there is a bit of competition going on in the class, but by far your best rival is your own self. Pushing yourself harder and improving every week, even by a little, is an achievement. I’m not sure if I will always beat my previous week’s performance, but I will definitively keep trying. Don’t forget to follow us on twitter: Crossfitinvan Talk soon
How to Commit to Your Health and Get Back into the Gym