Congratulations to December’s client of the month: GRETCHEN COLEMAN

We had a Q&A session with Gretchen to find out how she does it.
Q: How long have you been at Precision? A: I started coming in May 2012 Q: What is your favorite class to attend? A: Cross-training & Fitness Q: What do you like best about the classes? A: I really like the sense of community and support that comes with a group environment. I also find that being in a group setting pushes me harder than I would push myself if I worked out alone. Q: What keeps you motivated to come to the classes? A: Going back to the group dynamic, I feel like there are people who are expecting me to be there and vice versa. Those same people motivate me to do better, go harder and push past my comfort zone. Also, with CrossFit, there is such measurable progress with the recording of our WODs and with David & Taryn posting results on, it’s easy to refer back to previous workouts and see what I’m capable of & how far I’ve come. Q: What are your fitness goals? A: I plan on competing again in the CrossFit Open come Spring 2014. I’d also like to reach a 250lb deadlift by the end of the year. If I could finally do an un-assisted pull up with no more bands, I’d be a happy girl too. Q: How has Precision Athletics helped you toward reaching these goals? A: David Sims convinced me to try the CrossFit Open back in Spring 2013. I felt I wasn’t nearly ready for it & would fail miserably, but I did it anyway. I really surprised myself in my decent placing and although any sort of podium is not in my near future, a benchmark has been set. I also always refer back to Sarah Youssef & how one day last year in her bootcamp, I reached for the 10lb dumbbells for one of the exercises. She took one look at me and said “you can go heavier, try the 17.5’s”. I did and haven’t looked back. She gave me the initial confidence to embrace my strengths and now I’m surprising myself every time I come to CrossFit with how much I can lift. On another note, I just tried the Olympic Weightlifting class with Pepe Picco & Mike Cartwright. It quickly exposed the fact I have a long way to go with my technique on the technical lifts like the snatch, but I was surrounded by support and positive feedback, so I really enjoyed it and can see myself attending more classes. They hold it down in the underground parking lot too, so it’s super raw and hardcore. I highly recommend people serious about lifting try it. 🙂 Q: What is your favorite exercise? Why? A: Hmmm. That’s a tough one. I guess I’d have to say any kind of sit up, double unders or push press. I’m also a huge fan of deadlifting. There’s something so empowering about being a female & lifting a crap load of weight. 🙂 Q: What is your least favorite exercise? why? A: BURPEES. Ugh. Do I really need to explain myself? Q: What major accomplishments/breakthroughs have you had recently in your fitness level? A: I recently completed the 1st of both 21 day challenges and dropped 4% body fat. I felt like I had hit a plateau in my weight loss lately, so that was a nice surprise & reward to my hard work. I’m also noticing how strong my arms and back are becoming. I like it 🙂 Q: What is your next goal you are working towards achieving? A: I’d like to drop at least another 4% body fat by Christmas. As mentioned before, I’m hoping to hit the 250lb deadlift by end of 2013. If I lost a few more inches off my waist it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever, either. Q: What kinds of activities do you hope to do during the summer months? A: I LOVE to be outside. I like to hike and swim. I do Pilates 2 times a week. I play competitive Women’s Fast-pitch and Sunday Funday Slo-pitch. I live in the West End, so I’m always running, biking or rollerblading on the seawall. Q: Any parting statements for our readers? A: I guess I’d just like to say stick with it. Fitness and healthy living needs to become a lifestyle & something you enjoy if you want to keep it consistent. Don’t treat it like a chore or something you HAVE to do. Find the things you like about exercise and embrace them. I’ve had a few set backs and injuries over the last year and it only makes me want to succeed more. Also, pick up a heavier set of dumbbells next time. You’d be surprised with what you’re actually capable of.