What is your family’s summer plan to get in shape?

As a new father I am developing the understanding that it is harder for a family to get in shape than an individual. There are childminding issues, car share issues, and potentially a lack of time between spending time together and time apart doing your workout. So we are offering some prizing for people who post here and discuss what they will be doing this summer to focus on health and fitness for their family. The winner , drawn randomly form all posts will receive a prize pack from Jump gymnastics and Precision Athletics. What will my family be doing? Currently we are walking around Trout Lake on the weekend.

Craig and Melia out for a walk

My wife would like to get into the gym more and I would like to add more cardio. To facilitate this my wife will be coming by the gym and I will be taking Melia to Jump Gymnastics. You can start at 6 months. I remember learning in College that the more sports and activities you introduce to a child, prior to three years of age, the more motor pathways they form. This makes it easier for them if they choose to pursue a similar sport as an adult or a sport with similar qualities such as balance etc. To add more cardio I plan on adding running with our BOB stroller when Melia is able. Also will progress walk around lake to hiking the Grouse Grind with Melia. We’d like to help other parents find the time to keep fit so this summer we’re partnering with Jump! Gymnastics across the street. Drop off your kid(s) at Jump! Summer Camp and head over here for a ½ hour session with a personal trainer followed by a ½ hour of cardio. Enjoy a long uninterrupted shower, and you still have time for a coffee before heading across the street for pick up. Register here [https://precisionathletics.ca/specials/get-active-mornings/] and/or check out our contest on  starting May 1 http://www.yoyomama.ca/2010/04/jump-gymnastics-contest/ for a chance to win a Precision/Jump! GetActive morning x2 (2 adults, 2 kids). Then tell us in the comments section here, or at Jump! [http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jump-Gym-Vancouver/150529308484] what your summer fitness plans are for your family during the month of May, to be entered to win!

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