Client Success Transformation: Brigitta

Client of the month Brigitta
Brigitta Before Joining Precision Athletics
It’s been awhile since we posted a client success story! This month we’re introducing you to Brigitta, who works with personal trainer, Craig Boyd.

What were you doing for fitness before working with a personal trainer

I was just walking and doing light bicycling around the city. I had a gym membership to a big name gym, but it wasn’t a welcoming space so I stopped attending. Overall, I was inactive and feeling really sluggish.  

What were your results like before working with us and why did you choose to start training with a personal trainer? 

I had negative and unwelcoming experiences at other gyms that I tried that left me feeling discouraged and unmotivated.   During the time that I was trying to get back into shape on my own, my parent died of a major stroke. The pandemic hit, and I gained a lot of weight and lost muscle. I also became very fatigued and depressed. I needed a trainer to help me as my health started to plummet. Craig helped me not just with exercise but nutrition. I started gaining muscle, lost weight, and had more energy! I felt much more comfortable in the inclusive gym space created at Precision Athletics. The members are considerate, focused on their exercises, and are goal oriented. The space is extremely welcoming and Craig always has my personalized workout program ready for me—a program that I can commit to! 

How long have you been training and what have your fitness results been? 

I have been training with Craig since mid August 2020. I have gained a lot of muscle, lost 28 pounds and decreased my overall size by 19 cm’s total.

How do you feel about your results?  

I am so extremely satisfied with my results that I brought my husband and a friend to Precision Athletics so they can experience the same benefits as me. My energy levels have improved and I am paying more attention to my body and what my body needs.  

Why did you choose to workout with Precision Athletics? 

I felt I needed more 1-on-1 training and guidance. I also wanted a friendly and welcoming space. I hesitated in the beginning in picking a private gym but Precision won me over. They are transparent with their fees and pricing, we had an open comfortable discussion on what my fitness experience was and what my goals are. They have a variety of trainers, and overall amazing reviews. When I showed up on my first day, the trainers were very friendly and welcoming. It felt like a good fit from the start.
Client of the month Brigitta
Brigitta After Joining Precision Athletics

What keeps you motivated and committed?  

I would one day like to be healthy and strong enough to have more extreme fitness goals. I keep motivated and committed by setting a fitness schedule with Craig and sticking to it. I also wear a smartwatch that routinely reminds me of my achievements throughout the week and let’s me know when I am inactive or feeling a little more stressed than usual.

What are your fitness goals today?  

My current fitness goals are to gain muscle and have more energy, lose another 40-55 pounds and make it to my healthy overall BMI (Body Mass Index) level.   I also want to be at a healthier BMI so I can safely have children one day. With my family’s pre-existing health conditions, I recognized that I need to condition my body more in order to be healthy and stay fit. I want to live a healthier lifestyle so I can live my life to its fullest.  I am taking the weight loss slowly. With Craig’s knowledge about nutrition, I have removed sugar from my diet, which has reduced my cravings. I also make healthier food choices and I drink more water.

What would you say to someone who needs motivation and doesn’t know where to start?  

Keep motivational quotes and goals on your wall for inspiration and continue to challenge yourself to be the best that you can be. Hire a personal trainer (in a gym that makes you feel comfortable) to keep your fitness goals on track! Someone who motivates you, makes you accountable and makes your fitness regime fun so you can reach your goals in health and fitness. Be patient with a positive mindset and you will see results!

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