Going Beyond ‘Just Going to the Gym’
When he started training with Jade McClure four years ago, Frank Uy had no idea what a drastic change it would make to his lifestyle. Like many of us, his initial goal was to shape up and lose weight. So he began a three-times per week partner training program that allowed him to shed 23 lbs. Frank was pleased, but Jade continued to push him to progress, “Jade would keep nagging me to make changes in my life.” Frank ignored him, until “things got stale” and his body stopped changing. At that point Frank worked with Jade to create new fitness goals around running. Frank now runs at least 20 minutes every day before his workouts with Jade, and for 30-45 minutes on the weekends. This diligence over the past six months has paid off by an improvement in his running time from 1.5 miles to 2.2 miles in 20 minutes. He also met his goal to complete the Sun Run this year—and was even happy with his time, “I was quite shocked!” The second big jump-start was diet. Frank and his partner now eat everything organic and focus on fresh foods, “This has made a big change in how we live and feel.” He also finally caved to Jade’s advice to not skip breakfast, “I never used to do this, but it makes a huge difference.” The proof of commitment to this new lifestyle? “I invested in Spud [fresh grocery delivery service] and now I’m CFO.” In addition, Frank now goes to bed early – not only to get more sleep, but also to make sure he gets to the gym in the morning. Three questions for Frank: What motivates you? “My health. I’m doing this for my health, not looks….I’m in my fifties, I have to take care of myself.” What do you like about working out with Jade? “We get straight to work. We’re not there to socialize, and he pushes you for a good workout.” Your number one piece of advice? “It’s important to love yourself, take care of yourself. I see my friends getting sick from stress, long work hours and what they eat…just do it, even for one hour per day.”