Client Kudos: Cathérine Hoff the Kettlebell Star

kettlebell training

The reason we are here is to support people in reaching their fitness goals with our experience, coaching, and knowledge. Nothing makes it more worthwhile than seeing our clients succeed. So many people who walk through our doors meet their goals and we love sharing their success with everyone.

Cathérine Hoff has only been working out with us since February of this year. In a very short amount of time, she has become a very welcome face in our kettlebell classes. Through her training, Catherine has progressed from an absolute beginner to a pro who can lift kettlebells with very good technique and total control. Her natural ease with kettlebells makes her a leader to others in her class because of her form and technique. Art (one of our expert kettlebell coaches) has even gone far enough to call her his star student and has said she could compete in competitions (he would know, he came in 1st at the 2014 Victoria Kettlebell Sport Classic).

We wanted to know a little more about Catherine and why she decided to train with us at Precision Athletics.

Why did you choose Precision?

When I just moved to Vancouver, I tried out several gyms. I also tried the well-know Crossfit. The downside from it was that it’s all about gaining muscles. As a woman, I like to be strong but do not want to lose femininity. I tried Precision and I liked the vibe, the group fitness possibilities, and the enthusiasm of the trainers.

What are your fitness goals?

My goals: becoming more fit and strong in a natural way, not gaining too much muscles. I especially want to strengthen my back and core.

What do you like about working out at Precision?

Precision Athletics offers group lessons in small groups. There is personal attention, which is important to me. Especially when you are new to fitness and lifting weights, it is important to receive the right feedback. In my opinion, the coaches are doing this really well: giving the right feedback at the right moment, but also very motivating and coaching in a positive way.

What keeps you motivated?

The vibe, the enthusiasm of the coaches/trainers, the group lessons, and the varied programs. Although the workout can be very tough, it doesn’t feel like a must, but more like a challenge. That makes it easy and pleasant to keep coming for the workouts.

What are you up to when you are not working out?

If I am not working out, I work full time. Besides that I love being outdoors (hiking, running, biking), setting new goals. Also, I travel a lot, both for work as for fun. I am always up to try new things and sports. But I really like to have this fitness regularity build in my busy schedule.

We could not be any prouder of Cathérine! If you want to join her in class, check out all of the services and classes we have to offer at Precision Athletics.

You can also read more of our client successes with another Client Kudos: Erin T.

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