Precision Athletics Vancouver lunch boot camp – 12pm Thursday, July 1 2010

Indoor or outdoor depending on weather Indoor WARM UP

150 Skips
20 lunges
150 Skips
20 full sit ups
20 push ups
150 skips
20 burpies
150 skips
30 minutes (participants count how many rounds they get through)
30 jump squats
30 tricep dips
30 full sit ups
30 KB swings
lunges around the gym 1X
30 burpees
30 pull ups
run on treadmill for until .25 dist, 300 skips
25x plank position knee to chest
v-sit hold for 30 seconds
25x bicycle (elbow to knee)
150 Skips
20 lunges
150 Skips
20 full sit ups
20 push ups
150 skips
20 burpies
150 skips
30 minutes (participants count how many rounds they get through)
30 step up on bench (per leg)
30 tricep dips (on bench)
30 full sit ups
30 KB swings
30 lunges bosu over head (per leg)
30 push ups
run up and down basketball court 3x
25x plank position knee to chest
v-sit hold for 30 seconds
25x bicycle (elbow to knee)

Precision Athletics recommends attending their Vancouver boot camp classes to learn proper technique in these circuits prior to attempting unsupervised. Our staff will provide modifications/ scale the workouts to each class participants abilities and fitness levels.

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