In June I ran my first half marathon and I thought I was in great shape, but I wanted something other than running in my fitness routine so I googled “Vancouver boot camp” and found Precision Athletics. With their free week trial I really had nothing to lose. After my first class with Craig I was hooked! I realized that just because I could run I was not in great shape, I had a hard time doing 5 pushups from my knees and even an assisted chin up was an impossible feat! Now I am in the greatest shape of my life, my running has improved from my added strength, I can do 15 pushups from my TOES and I can do 2 chin ups. I am also reminded twice a week that even though I am in great shape I have a long way to go. Craig’s boot camp will kick your butt and tone it at the same time. – Kristie
How to Commit to Your Health and Get Back into the Gym