Craig Boyd Named in Top 5 Best Personal Trainers in Vancouver

best personal trainer vancouver craig boyd

Congratulations to Precision Athletics Co-Founder and Master Trainer, Craig Boyd, who is featured in this list of the Top 5 Best Personal Trainers in Vancouver.

best personal trainers in vancouver

As the article points out, there are a lot of personal trainers in Vancouver. So how do you hone in on the “best” one, or the right one that suits your needs and one that’s really good at what they do?

Well, many people find a professional personal trainer by word of mouth and/or reading online reviews. Also, a little Googling about the recommended trainer helps to ensure they’re a good match for you.

What Makes a Really Great Personal Trainer?

Here’s our view of 5 qualities that make a great personal trainer. Admittedly we’re a little biased, and these qualities can be subjective, but these points are based upon what we’ve heard from hundreds of clients at Precision Athletics over the past 20 years.

1 / Focussed –  a great trainer helps you set goals, creates a plan, and keeps you focussed on achieving your goals. “Let’s wing-it” is not part of their vocabulary.

2 / Asks the right questions – talented trainers understand what they need to know to help clients achieve results. They don’t lecture and they don’t spend most of the session talking about themselves—instead, they are checking in with you on various details from, “How did your body recover after our last workout?” to “Can you feel your glutes firing with that move?”

craign boyd personal trainer vancouver

3 / Educates – trainers are certified in fitness for many good reasons, and one of the most important ones is in order to teach clients how to exercise safely for their needs. So if your personal trainer hasn’t asked you about any preexisting conditions or injuries, or hasn’t checked in on them since your initial assessment, be concerned.

Great personal trainers will help you understand proper form, anatomy, benefits of each exercise to match your needs, and more. Some personal trainers – such as Craig and Pepe (our other Master Trainer and Co-Founder) – continually educate themselves to keep their knowledge fresh and to stay on top of an ever-changing industry.

4 / Supportive – the best personal trainers care. Simple as that. They believe in you and your potential to succeed. They will answer your questions, be patient, and will help you if they see you’re struggling.

These trainers are the ones that’ll join a client at a big-deal race or to help them conquer fears head-on.

5 / Relatable – can you imagine training with The Rock? That’s because he’s not relatable (okay, to most of us). It would be pretty difficult to connect and feel confident that he gets you and your fitness needs.

A relatable trainer is someone you can form a connection with. They’re approachable, listens intently, and inspires you to do your best.

And in case you were thinking it – but didn’t see it on the list – all trainers need to practice what they preach, or ‘walk the walk’ as some like to say. This is a given in our books.

Feel like it’s time to change your personal trainer or try working out with one? Schedule a free consultation with one of our talented personal trainers. If you’re not sure who would be a good match, tell us your needs and we’ll set you up with one!

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