Chris Martelli Personal Trainer Vancouver

Chris Martelli

Personal Trainer


canfitpro Personal Training Specialist



Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Trigger point therapy

Palpatory anatomy skills

Bodyweight strength training


Long-term planning and programming for sport training (periodization)

Assessment and treatment of muscle imbalance

Sports biomechanics

Program development for strength training


Before joining Precision Athletics, Chris found himself drawn to the fitness industry through his interests in sports, exercise physiology, and injury prevention. He explored these areas through formal education at the University of Saskatchewan.

Outside of university, Chris competed as a bodybuilder and coached posing workshops for individuals who were preparing to compete in the men’s physique category for regulated events in the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) league. Following his move to Vancouver in 2015, Chris joined a team of health practitioners at Yana Motion, a preventive biomechanics lab. Here he administered biomechanical assessments to clients using a motion capture system to improve injury prevention and functional movement in occupational health, movement research, proactive wellness, and performance athletics settings.

Chris continues to expand his knowledge of the human body and mind, allowing him to encourage others to educate themselves on the benefits of exercise and develop new skills to achieve their goals.

As a trainer, his focus is largely based on an integrated approach to health and fitness to develop effective training plans. He is interested in the physiological effects of different training interventions, recovery methods, nutritional aids, and biomechanical factors. He is curious about how the body adapts to increase the work capacity and movement health of an individual. He places emphasis on building trust and creating close relationships to help clients feel confident in their abilities.



Chris is an avid reader of topics ranging from business and productivity to philosophy and scientific research. Snowboarding and soccer have been a part of his life since he was young and he continues to develop his athleticism recreationally.

Chris also enjoys socializing with friends and family, playing video games, writing “Bio” pages in third person, and immersing himself in nature.